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  • 姓名:Ellegarden
  • 性别: 组合
  • 别名: 暂无
  • 国籍: 日本
  • 语言: 日语
  • 出生地:
  • 生日:
  • 星座:
  • 身高:
  • 体重:
  • 人气:
  • 更新时间:2017-02-04


成员分别为:HOSOMI TAKESHI (主唱兼吉他手)Ubutaka Shinichi(吉他手)Takada Yuichi(贝司手)Takahashi Hirotaka(鼓手)
他们大部分的歌曲都是HOSIMI创作的,主要是英文歌,而且用很熟练的英语演唱。关于之所以HOSOMI能把英文唱得这么好,有很多不同的解释,包括在一个唱英文的乐队唱歌六年;有一个外国室友;有一个以色列女朋友;由于先前工作的原因经常出国。这些解释可能或许毫无根据,又或许完全正确。HOSOMI说他会根据音乐的旋律来选择用什么语言来演唱。另外Ubutaka也会为乐队创作一些歌曲。乐队在某种程度上有一些偏向于西方的“MELOCORE”朋克风格,但并没有过多胡乱地粗制滥造。他们也希望在全球的表演中坚持自己的纯粹。HOSOMI是WEEZER的超级fan,而Ubutaka更偏爱于JIMMY EATS WORLD,这两个团也对他们乐队有比较显著的影响。他们也和一些另外的日本乐队走得很近,HOSOMI就和straightener的HORIE是最好的朋友。Ubutaka和Takada先前也在同一个乐队中,最后,其他的成员也从当地其他乐队中跳槽过来, Ubutaka是团队中最年轻的一个,也普遍被认为是乐队的LEADER他们在01年5月在DYNAMORD发行自己的首张专辑,得到了一些认可。之后他们的“DON'T TRUST ANYONE BUT US”成绩比上一张好,由此他们乐队为了配合专辑的宣传也做了第一次的巡演,其中也包括在北海道RISING SUN FESTIVAL的那一站。在02年10月发行的MY OWN DESTRUCTION对他们来说也是一个重大突破,他们的乐队也紧跟着进行了30站的巡演。在03年7月发行了同样销售很好的BRING YOUR BORAD.专辑的封套上有一个TIKI像,也许是为了有着很多著名冲浪地标的千叶。但是他们的乐队比起冲浪来,花更多的实践在巡演上面。在04年的5月他们又带着新专辑Pepperoni Quattro回来了,紧接着又推出了他们的DVD。在05年2月他们在琦玉的超级体育馆开了最大型的演唱会。在05年4月他们凭着专辑riot on the grill 轰动了,专辑封套上是一个张大嘴,嘴里满是通心粉的人。专辑排上了oricon的第三名,卖了百万张。专辑也是平稳热销了相当长的一段时间,ELLEGARDEN也被选作为日本乐队的代表在得克萨斯的SXSW表演。疯狂的歌迷也会使表演沸腾起来。

Japanese pop/punk quartet Ellegarden have become one of the biggest rock bands in their homeland, selling out 30,000 seat venues as a headliner and appearing at most of the nation's major rock festivals before bringing their explosive sound to American audiences. Ellegarden was formed in late 1998 when Takeshi Hosomi, who was working in the computer industry as an engineer, was approached by his friend Shinichi Ubukata, who played guitar and was looking for a singer to help him with his music. Hosomi had already been writing songs in his spare time, and with a strong background in English (he lived and worked in California for a while), he found himself writing his lyrics primarily in that language. Teaming with bassist Yuichi Takada and drummer Hirotaka Takahashi, Ellegarden generated a tight, punchy but muscular sound reminiscent of North American bands such as blink-182, Sum 41 and Good Charlotte, while also displaying the influence of Hosomi's favorites, Weezer. In the fall of 2001, Ellegarden signed with the Japanese Dynamord label, and released their first EP, Bare Foot, with a full-length album, Don't Trust Anyone But Us, following in the spring of 2002. The album was a hit, and Ellegarden followed with a new LP every year; 2006's Eleven Fire Crackers also became their first North American release when it was issued by Nettwerk in the summer of 2007. Accustomed to playing major shows in Japan, where they've shared stages with the Foo Fighters and Sum 41, Ellegarden made their American live debut in 2006 with a seven-city tour which included a stop at the South by Southwest Music Conference, where they played a well-received showcase set, with the enthusiastic audience demanding an encore that stretched their performance from five to eight songs.
ヘヴィでシャプ、みなぎるエネルギ感と怒涛の疾走感!このサウンドを待っていました! Don't Trust の顷はいい意味でキャッチで甘ったるい部分がありましたが、Salamanderは素直にかっこいい!と思わせる仕上がりです。れるとつまらなくなるバンドが多い中、エルレの进化には大足。世界に夸れる比类なき国バンドと思います。超おすすめ。









